It’s easy to be fearless when you’re young; it feels like a right of passage to hit the dirt, dust yourself off, get back on the horse and try it again. Fast forward to your Adult Ammy years; now you have a job, a mortgage, and would probably rather spend your vacation time on a sandy beach than on your couch realizing just how much more the ground HURTS these days. Continue reading “Unbreakable; When Fashion and Safety Collide.”
Benefab® Therapeutic Polos: A Better Way To Wrap.
Leg Protection is a one of those topics that I could gleefully debate with people forever. Is Neoprene the devil incarnate? Does anything really offer support? How do I clean hay out of Velcro? Can any of these boots and wraps get wet? The questions can go on forever, and the answers are limitless. Continue reading “Benefab® Therapeutic Polos: A Better Way To Wrap.”
Product Review: Benefab® Smart Therapeutic Poll Pad
I am a bit of a skeptic when it comes to alternative healing solutions (pretty much anything that fits into what my family affectionately refers to as the “woo-woo” category.) That being said, at this point I own several Benefab® products, and have been totally blown away by each one.
Continue reading “Product Review: Benefab® Smart Therapeutic Poll Pad”
Product Review: Perri’s Padded Leather Halter
For those of you who don’t know me well: Hi, my name is Betsy, and I’m a matchy-matchy addict. I swoon over pad-polo sets; I get starry-eyed at blingy browbands in the perfect hue; and don’t even get me started on the new trend of colorful stirrups and spurs. My personal tack colors are Purple and Hot Pink, and when I saw that Perri’s Leather was offering their luxe Padded Leather Halter in both of my horse’s colors, I knew that I was about to do a little shopping. Continue reading “Product Review: Perri’s Padded Leather Halter”