Perfection Is For Quitters

By Lead Bay Betsy Kelley

Whether you have grand prix goals or just want to become the best version of yourself as a rider, it all takes time and patience. We are naturally inclined to be creatures who seek instant gratification, and the uphill struggle and inevitable plateaus that come along with learning a high-level skill set can be daunting. Personally, I thrive on those moments where you finally nail something that has been eluding you; but trust me, I spend my fair share of time in the dredges. 

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How to Stay Motivated for Winter Riding (or, how to not cry every day of winter)

By Guest Bay Maggie DeVerter

Some of us live in states with weather that makes it very hard to stay motivated to ride during the winter. Here in the Pacific Northwest it can rain, and then rain, and then rain some more. Occasionally it will pretend to snow and turn back to rain. It gets dark (I mean really, really dark) before 5:00 PM for several months. Our pastures become slop holes of despair, and our horses are regularly covered in muddy clay from hoof to ear. Thrush, abscesses, rain rot and other bacterial and fungal infections are a very common nuisance for many of us. Through all that, we can manage to keep ourselves motivated to ride with a little extra help.

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Unbreakable; When Fashion and Safety Collide.

It’s easy to be fearless when you’re young; it feels like a right of passage to hit the dirt, dust yourself off, get back on the horse and try it again. Fast forward to your Adult Ammy years; now you have a job, a mortgage, and would probably rather spend your vacation time on a sandy beach than on your couch realizing just how much more the ground HURTS these days. Continue reading “Unbreakable; When Fashion and Safety Collide.”