Looking for the perfect winter coat? Whether you’re dealing with frosty mornings, torrential downpours, or a delightful combination of both…do I have the solution for you. Continue reading “Are You Girl Tough?”
Sterling Essentials: Love Your Tack
I’m an obsessive tack cleaner. Maybe it has to do with working as a show groom in my formative years, maybe it’s just the pride that comes along with working hard for every piece that you own, but I love a nice clean, conditioned piece of leather. Want to know what I don’t love? The lingering smell of saddle soap and neatsfoot oil under my nails. When I first started hearing about Sterling Essentials, I was drawn to the reviews all commending the fabulous scents and natural products. Continue reading “Sterling Essentials: Love Your Tack”
Photo Set: AHA Sport Horse Nationals 2018
Unbreakable; When Fashion and Safety Collide.
It’s easy to be fearless when you’re young; it feels like a right of passage to hit the dirt, dust yourself off, get back on the horse and try it again. Fast forward to your Adult Ammy years; now you have a job, a mortgage, and would probably rather spend your vacation time on a sandy beach than on your couch realizing just how much more the ground HURTS these days. Continue reading “Unbreakable; When Fashion and Safety Collide.”
Benefab® Therapeutic Polos: A Better Way To Wrap.
Leg Protection is a one of those topics that I could gleefully debate with people forever. Is Neoprene the devil incarnate? Does anything really offer support? How do I clean hay out of Velcro? Can any of these boots and wraps get wet? The questions can go on forever, and the answers are limitless. Continue reading “Benefab® Therapeutic Polos: A Better Way To Wrap.”