I’m a dedicated, hard working Adult Amateur who loves my horses, and enjoys showing a little more than my budget realistically allows. My animals come before my ambitions. This is why my 30 year old retired show horse has a forever home in my barn. I know that I will never show at the highest levels of the sport, because, even if I had the money, that’s not where my ambitions lie and that’s okay.
Continue reading “The Joy of Horsemanship”Easy Valentines Gifts For Equestrians
Typical Valentines Day gifts are cute (flowers, stuffed animals, cutesy mugs, all things heart shaped) but I already have lots of cute “stuff” – and would way rather receive a functional item. I know I’m not the only Equestrian who feels this way. My husband knows this, and set a tough precedent a few years ago with the best Valentines gift ever: a hot pink Dura-Fork and matching hot pink mud boots. Flowers would have been long dead, chocolates long gone, but every morning I walk in to the barn and smile when I see that pitchfork.
Continue reading “Easy Valentines Gifts For Equestrians”Diva Turns 30
February 4th, 1989 must have involved some kind of magic, because that’s the only explanation for how something as incredible as #divathewonderhorse could enter the world. I can’t really wrap my head around the idea that she is 30 years old today, but I am eternally grateful that I was destined to be her person. If you’re interested in a walk down memory lane, scroll down to see a few photos of her illustrious journey so far!
Continue reading “Diva Turns 30”Should Your Company Have An Ambassador Program?
With the rise of Social Media, came the rise of Ambassador programs. The idea was great at first, get a herd of kids hungry for free product to light a fire under your word-of-mouth marketing. Was the idea brilliant at first? Yes. So where did it go wrong?
Continue reading “Should Your Company Have An Ambassador Program?”Top 3 Apps For Equestrians
With the rise of technology and an app for everything, what are the most useful apps for Equestrians? If you’re an Equestrian with a phone, you are probably already an avid Instagram user, so let’s just assume that’s Number One on any list. That being said – I would love to introduce you to a few of my favorites!
Continue reading “Top 3 Apps For Equestrians”